Avery Payne:
But from a practical perspective there isn't anything right now that
dependencies at a global level.

Now you know that there is.

The nosh design is, as you have seen, one that separates policy and mechanism. The service-manager provides a way of loading and unloading services, and starting and stopping them. The dependency system is layered entirely on top of that. Whilst one can use svscan/service-dt-scanner and svc/service-control and have things run the daemontools way, one can alternatively use the start/stop/enable/disable subcommands of system-control and have service dependency management instead.

The trick is that dependency management is calculated by the system-control program. When you tell it "systemctl start workstation.target" it follows all of the wants/, required-by/, and conflicts/ symbolic links recursively to construct a set of start/stop jobs for the relevant services. Then it follows the after/ and before/ symbolic links to turn that set into a ordered graph of jobs. Finally, it iterates through the graph repeatedly, sending start and stop commands to the service manager for the relevant services and polling their statuses, until all jobs have been enacted.

conflicts/ is actually easy, although it took me two tries. If "A/wants/B" exists, then a start job for A creates a start job for B. If "A/conflicts/B" exists then a start job for A creates a stop job for B.

The important point is that the service manager is entirely ignorant of this. It is just told to start and stop individual services, and it knows nothing at all of dependencies or orderings. (A dependency is not an ordering relationship, of course, but the manual page that I said to read has already explained that. (-:) It's all worked out outwith the service manager.

Which means, of course, that it is alterable without changing the service manager.

And indeed, nosh demonstrates such alteration in action. The dependency-based system that one gets with system-control is one of two alternative policies that come in the box; the other being an old daemontools-style system with a /service directory and ./log relationships, as implemented by the service-dt-scanner (a.k.a. svscan) daemon.

Again, the trick is that the daemontools-style stuff is all worked out in svscan, and the service manager proper has no dealings in it. The service manager provides a flexible plumbing layer. Higher layers decide how they want that plumbing put together.

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