On 4/28/2015 7:11 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
Hi Buck and Avery, What's "first-class support"? Is there a way, in this thread, that the service behavior desired could be described, instead of calling it "first class support"?
Then it's best that the term be abandoned. I've tried to sum up the idea myself, but I realize (too late) that I've been bit by a buzzword; and I'm the one who opened their mouth and said it.

To me, first class support means "the most optimal within the given restraints", which is almost as vague-sounding once I write it. I've probed the idea a bit more this morning (see http://www.mail-archive.com/supervision@list.skarnet.org/msg00647.html*) *and found that first class support really just means "it does this, where others don't". Simplify the idea again and you end up with "it works". Well, duh, that's not too helpful, is it? So, I am publicly retracting the utterance of the phrase; either service dependency is supported or it isn't.

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