On 09/08/2015 17:34, Guillermo wrote:
useful, I suppose, if you keep, say, execline's build directory intact
until the next upgrade, instead of just erasing it, and want to save
some build time in case you upgrade skalibs and want the same version
of execline to link with the new libskarnet?

 That's what I'm doing all the time when developing and testing, or
fixing bugs in skalibs that impact other software. But it's probably
only useful to me in this case. :)

 The other reason why I like vpath search is that it allows the
the user to explicitly specify linking against static or dynamic
libraries. Without vpath, the user has no way of saying, for
instance, "link against libskarnet.a but libc.so" if libskarnet.so
is installed, because -lskarnet will default to libskarnet.so
unless gcc -static is used.

And it sees two rules: the rule for the "plain" libexecline.so
target in package/deps.mak, that has prerequisites but no recipe, and
a pattern rule '$(DESTDIR)$(dynlibdir)/lib%.so:' with a recipe in the
main makefile, that can match a /lib64/libexecline.so target and a
"plain" libexecline.so prerequisite.

 Ah, I see.
 Would replacing "libexecline.so" in packages/deps.mak and
"lib%.so" in Makefile with "./libexecline.so", resp. "./lib%.so",
fix this ?


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