With regard to having scripted placement of down files, if it was in a
template or compiled as such, then the entire process of writing it into
the definition becomes trivial or moot.  While there should always be a
manual option to override a script, or the option to write one directly, I
think the days of writing all of the definitions needed by hand have long
since past.

But there is an issue that would keep this idea from easily occurring. You
would need to find a way to signal the daemon that it the system is going
down, vs. merely the daemon going down.  I suppose you could argue that the
down and stop commands should be semantically different, and use those to
send the signal, but that's not how they are used today.  Beyond that, if
the placement of the down file was baked into all of the scripts, either by
compiling or templating, then there isn't an issue of repeatedly typing in
support for this.

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