On 2/3/2016 9:30 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi Laurent,

The situation you describe, with the maintainer of a distro's
maintainer for a specific daemon packaging every "policy" for every
init system and service manager, is certainly something we're working
toward. But there are obstacles:

* Daemon maintainer might not have the necessary time.
This is probably true.

* Daemon maintainer might not have the necessary knowledge of the init
   system or service manager.
Also true. To them it's probably "just glue that needs to be there to support that thing-a-ma-jig". Look at some of the Debian init.d scripts sometime and notice just how butchered some are. Some are blatant cut-and-paste jobs with the bare minimum to make the launch happen...

I personally feel that the first two points made represent the "majority" of cases, although I don't have any proof to back that assertion.

* Daemon maintainer might be one of these guys who figures that the
   only way to start up a system is sysvinit or systemd, and that any
   accommodation, by him, for any other daemon startup, would be giving
   aid and comfort to the enemy.
Not entirely sure that would be the case, but hey, anything is possible.

* Daemon maintainer might be one of these guys who tries to (example)
   Debianize the run script to the point where the beauty and simplicity
   and unique qualities of the service manager are discarded.
Given how Debian works (examples: alternatives, package and repository licensing, etc.) I would be surprised if this DIDN'T happen. Debian software really wants one way to deal with multiple choices, so there would probably be some kind of glue scripts that would make the appropriate calls, etc.

Just my .05 cents.

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