Laurent Bercot:
I just wasn't aware of people besides me actually using s6-ps. :)

I used it as an example of not being a mess.  (-:

s6 and s6-rc are actually ports/packages in FreeBSD and s6 is a package in Debian. Alas, the Debian world has not yet caught up with the other toolsets, and the third-party Debian packaging for s6-linux-utils and the others has yet to make it into Debian's own repository.





You could, in theory, make s6-ps not Linux-specific. It would require interposing a layer that abstracted reading the information out of the kernel, though. It's perhaps not worth it, because (for example) the FreeBSD ps is not nearly as encumbered by the mess that results from multiple personalities and Jack-of-All-Trades option parsing, albeit that it still has confusing column headings and does not have an env column.


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