On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 05:22:10 +0200
Jan Braun <janbr...@gmx.de> wrote:

> This is what vexes me about the daemontools family. Apparently it's so
> easy to reimplement them that people keep doing that. Instead of
> working together to get one implementation polished enough to make a
> big unix distro use it by default.
> cheers,
>     Jan

Far as I'm concerned, they're *all* polished enough to make a big unix
distro use it by default. The problem is politics and money.

In other words, the best of them all could be rolled into one software,
and it still wouldn't be accepted, because Red Hat has many millions
for marketing and halloween code to prevent that.

The reason daemontools-inspired init/supervisors weren't used before
systemd was because nobody was dissatisfied with sysvinit and/or
upstart, so nobody even knew about the others. 


Steve Litt 
August 2019 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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