Another try:

Your efforts are commendable, but r/linux is, like most "general purpose,
general audience" fora, a cesspool of ignorance and mediocrity - so the
result was predictable. :D

(Even if the moderator was well-intentioned, they have probably be
submitted several truckloads of non-technical, shallow, hateful
anti-systemd articles before, and didn't want to put in the effort to
check whether that one was different. I don't blame them for that. From
the subreddit's point of view, the *result* wouldn't have been different
anyway: a rehash of the old endless factless flamewar.)

Given the result, it seems that attempts at posting to r/linux would be
futile anyway; however, someone did this:

I think r/initFreedom, and related subreddits - I have no idea which ones
exist, I'm no expert Redditor - are indeed a much better place to post
that kind of thing: the audience is at least willing to hear what you're

 It's really a difficult balancing exercise between jumping into the
lion's den and being devoured or at best ignored, and preaching to the
choir and having essentially no impact.


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