Do you think it would make sense to include the man pages in tarball
releases of s6 software? It would help with packaging efforts across
distros, I think. Only downside would be that, since you dislike the mdoc
format, any changes to the man pages would have to be coordinated and
finished by others before you made a release, if the plan is to keep
everything consistent.

 That downside is simply too big, and also, I don't want to take
responsibility in the official tarballs for content that I don't audit
myself. I don't think it would be a good trade-off, even for users.
(And that does not mean I don't trust Alexis, or other people in the
community, to do good work! If I didn't, we wouldn't even be talking
about this.)

 What limits packaging efforts across distros is not the number of
packages or where and how to find them; if a distribution has a link
to get the man pages source, they will use it and will just be happy
that there are man pages. What limits packaging efforts, currently, is
only the willingness of distributions to understand and use s6.


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