
I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, but I'll try :)

supervisord needs configuration file just to start as a server, so you
already have the config file on both servers, if the supervisord is
running. (Supposing the supervisor is installed there from distribution
package, the default config is already there -
/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf on ubuntu).

By default, the supervisorctl command looks for the config file on the same
paths as supervisord. So it should find it.Or you can tell it where to look
for it by supervisorctl -c PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE

Next thing is that (again by default) the conf file includes both
[supervisord] and [supervisorctl] sections, so it serves as both client and
server config.

So usualy you don't need to do anything extra to run supervisorctl
(client), in case the machine is already set up to be able to run
supervisord (server)

A bit different use case (and maybe that's whats your question is?) is how
to connect remotely to the supervisords running on several servers from one
box (let's say your laptop). Fortunately that's not an isue neither. You
are right, it needs to be able to read *any* config file with
[supervisorctl] section, but that section can be completely empty and you
can just:create an empty config and use it:

{~ } echo '[supervisorctl]' >| supervisorctl.conf
{~ } supervisorctl -s http://myserver:9000 -c supervisorctl.conf

So you don't need each server's config files. You just need *any* config
file to run the client and override all defaults in command line arguments.

And yes, I agree that it should be able to run without any config as well.



Ales Zoulek
+420 604 332 515
Jabber: ales.zou...@gmail.com

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Jens Rantil <jens.ran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a couple of servers that are running supervisor to keep
> applications running. Something that annoys me is the fact that I will need
> each server's configuration file to be able to connect to it using
> supervisoctl. Is this right?
> My question is twofold; How come the configuration is needed? Second
> question, is has it been discussed whether it should be possible to also
> connect to supervisor using supervisorctl without having the configuration
> file at hand?
> Keep on rockin',
> Jens
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