If your wrapper is a bash script, you could try to call your python
program via bash's "exec", which will replace the former with the latter
without spawning a new process. See e.g.



On 09/06/17 22:37, Carlos Konstanski wrote:
> I have a python process that I launch via a wrapper script. The wrapper
> is responsible for ensuring that the virtualenv exists, that all the
> packages in requirements.txt are installed, that the virtualenv is
> activated, and finally it launches the python program.
> When I run it under supervisord, the wrapper script is the process that
> is being managed. The actual python program is a child-of-a-child and
> supervisord knows nothing about it.
> I performed the following experiment: I killed the wrapper script. The
> result was that the child python process kept running but was now a
> child of init (a top-level process). supervisord relaunched the wrapper
> script. Now I had two python processes running.
> How can I get supervisord to have knowledge of both the wrapper script
> and its children? Alternatively, I wonder if there's a way to make my
> python program die if the wrapper script dies. That would be just as
> good.
> Thanks,
> Carlos Konstanski
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