On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 07:33:42PM +0000, Dave Kennard wrote:
>    Hi
>    I want to set the user's folder as their root directory, so I have my
>    suPHP settings like this:
>    ;Path all scripts have to be in
>    docroot=${HOME}
>    ;Path to chroot() to before executing script
>    chroot=${HOME}
>    ;Check wheter script is within DOCUMENT_ROOT
>    check_vhost_docroot=false
>    But then when I load a php page I get the error "Internal Server Error
>    - Could not execute script" (I have set suPHP to show errors in the
>    browser).
>    If I comment out chroot or change it to / then it works okay.
>    suPHP is in paranoid mode, and I am setting SuPHP_UserGroup in the
>    virtualhost configuration.
>    I just installed php5-cgi normally, I didn't compile it with the
>    --enable-discard-path option, could this be the problem, or am I doing
>    something else wrong?
>    Thanks
>    Dave

Is your chroot set-up properly. PHP won't run in chroot if you don't
have all the libraries etc. it needs to perform. Check apache error log
and suphp log. 

Aki Tuomi

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