2009/5/13 Brian Marshall <bmarsh...@integerdenver.com>:


> /etc/httpd/confd/php.conf
> LoadModule suphp_module modules/mod_suphp.so
> suPHP_Engine on
> AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php4 .php .php3 .php2 .phtml

remember this mime type

> <Directory />
>     suPHP_AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5

ok, you used the same mime type

> </Directory>
> AddHandler php5-script .php

shouldn't this mime type be different?

> AddType text/html .php

should this even be here?


> and my suphp.conf is:

> [handlers]
> ;Handler for php-scripts
> x-httpd-php="php:/usr/bin/php"

this mime type hasn't been defined or associated anywhere..

I hope this gets you looking in the right places; if not then I could
be way off the mark with my suggestions :-p

    The Honeymonster aka Daniel Llewellyn

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