Hi Andrey,

Thank you for your answer. See the code snippets below. Both open the device /dev/xi2c16.
reg_write.php is called with the parameters 0x835 0x2 to switch to channel 2.
Why doesn't the command
fpcf -i2cw16 0x835 0x02
do the same? Both write to /dev/xi2c16
I prefer to set the values from c, directly. Thank you for the info about the possibility of an inconsistency on driver level. But I don't think that this is the problem here.

Do you know why the two code snippets don't do the same?


---------------------------- fpcf.c -------------------------------
    if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "-i2cw8")  ==0) shft=0;
    if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "-i2cw16") ==0) shft=1;
    if (shft>=0) { // write i2c bus0
      if (argc<3) {printf("Need I2C address (hex) to write: register address + 256* (slave address>>1)\r\n");return -1;}
      if (argc<4) {printf("Need data (hex) to write to i2c bus 0\r\n");return -1;}
       sa= strtol (argv[2],&cp,16);
      uld=strtol (argv[3],&cp,16);
      if (shft==1) {
         if ((devfd = open("/dev/xi2c16", O_RDWR))<0)  {printf("error opening /dev/xi2c16\r\n"); return -1;}
         uld= ((uld >>8) & 0xff) | ((uld <<8) & 0xff00);
      } else {
         if ((devfd = open("/dev/xi2c8",  O_RDWR))<0)  {printf("error opening /dev/xi2c8\r\n"); return -1;}
      if ((res=lseek(devfd,sa<<shft,0))<0) {
        printf("lseek failed, returned %d\n",res);
        close (devfd);
        return -1;
      if ((res=write(devfd,&uld,1<<shft))<(1<<shft)) {
        printf("write failed, returned %d, expected - %d\n",res, (1<<shft));
        close (devfd);
        return -1;
      close (devfd);
      return 0;

---------------------------- reg_write.php -------------------------
function send_i2c_4($a,$d) {
   $i2c  = fopen('/dev/xi2c16', 'w');
   fseek ($i2c, 2*$a) ;
   if ($w==1)    $res=fwrite($i2c, chr ($d));
   else    {
      $res=fwrite($i2c, chr (floor($d/(256*256*256))).chr (($d - 256*256*256*floor($d/(256*256*256)))/(256*256)).chr (($d - 256*256*floor($d/(256*256)))/256).chr ($d - 256*floor($d/(256))) );
      printf("v2=%d\n",($d - 256*256*256*floor($d/(256*256*256)))/(256*256));    
      printf("v3=%d\n",($d - 256*256*floor($d/(256*256)))/256);    
      printf("v4=%d\n",$d - 256*floor($d/(256)));         

   return $res;

<<attachment: office.vcf>>

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