
I would still use the full IMU rate and use some low-pass filtering - either in 
the camera or in post processing. I did not think the bandwidth will be a 
problem - simple averaging filtering would be easy add to the processing chain. 
It can be a separate program "piped" between the driver and output to the CF 
(now a simple "cat" command is used) that will average the IMU data. Raw IMU 
data is rather noisy, so averaging will definitely help.


---- On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:21:34 -0700 Hamid M<mokh0...@umn.edu> wrote 

 I was trying to lower the IMU rate to simplify the data collection process and 
keep things simple.  
 Sorry, by delayed response was to give it another attempt.  I've been trying 
to setup the camera so that:
 1) Plug a CF card (or USB into the camera)
 2) Upon powering camera, it will begin logging:
     - Jpeg Images at 3 Hz
     - GPS at 1 Hz
     - IMU at 50 Hz
     all into the medium of step 1 and will filenames or time-tags that can be 
corresponded to one another.
 Perhaps the flexibility of the elphel makes for the complexity that has made 
the above goal so far unreachable.  I'm not sure if the difficulty is due to 
improper settings or factors I'm overlooking.  
 Andrey, can I send you the camera to take a look?  Perhaps a refreshed 
firmware and your experienced eyes can really help us out.
 On 10/11/2014 03:44 PM, support-list wrote:
 7da3289055.7045157628596740...@support.elphel.com" type="cite"> Hello 
Hamid, Did you make the IMU work and now just trying to optimize parameters, or 
it does not work and you try to make it work at at least lower rate? If it does 
not work - please send the camera to us, we'll look at it, if you try to change 
the IMU rate - I am not sure if everything will work as expected as we tested 
IMU only at the maximal (nominal) rate. Why do you need to reduce the rate? 
Andrey ---- On Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:22:55 -0700 Hamid M<mokh0...@umn.edu> 
wrote ---- > Oleg, > > Just a friendly reminder - how do you reduce 
the imu rate? What string/number/hex is the 'imu_period' parameter expecting to 
achieve this? > > Thanks in advance. > -Hamid > > On 10/06/2014 
04:23 PM, Hamid M wrote: > > 54330848.6020...@umn.edu" type="cite"> 
Oleg, > > Right now the imu rate is about 2500 samples per second. Is the 
configuration parameter 'imu_period' used to reduce the rate of the imu? 
According to documentation: > > imu_period - set the IMU logging period 
in SPI SCLK periods, maybe > set to auto (default value, same as 0xff000000) 
to log when the IMU data is > ready. Value 0 turns the IMU logging off > 
> The mapping from imu_period to logging rate is unclear to me. For example, 
if you want 1 Hz do you set imu_period to 5e6? > > > -Hamid > > 
> On 10/06/2014 01:48 PM, Oleg wrote: > > bjyjvbww...@mail.gmail.com" 
type="cite"> Hello Hamid, > > The parsed logged data looks ok - both, 
GPS and IMU. > > > * Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds 
exceeded in /mnt/flash/html/read_imu_log.php on line 101 The timeout can be set 
in the PHP configuration > > > Please, let me know if you need any 
further help. > > Best regards, > Oleg Dzhimiev > Electronics 
Engineer > phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124 > Elphel, Inc. > > > -- 
Hamid Mokhtarzadeh http://www.tc.umn.edu/~mokh0006 > -- Hamid Mokhtarzadeh 
http://www.tc.umn.edu/~mokh0006 _______________________________________________ 
> Support-list mailing list > Support-list@support.elphel.com > 
http://support.elphel.com/mailman/listinfo/support-list_support.elphel.com > 
 -- Hamid Mokhtarzadeh http://www.tc.umn.edu/~mokh0006 
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