Harry, this is what I suspected - it is internal CF feature, not related to the 
camera or PC. Kind of a built in "garbage collection" for the flash memory 
pages (NAND flash has rather complicated rules for erasing and writing data). 
This dead time may vary for different CF cards depending on the controller chip.
Depending on the frame rate and image quality, this may be still tolerable in 
the camera if the circular image buffer (currently 19MB) can accommodate > 
1.7 sec of your data.


---- On Wed, 11 Mar 2015 13:35:34 -0700 Harry Kim<h...@redzone.com> wrote 

Hi Andrey,

I tried your suggestion.   On my Linux machine, the worst case was 1.7 seconds 
even when I ran the program with a highest priority while the typical time was 
12 msec.

No sure what this means because the worst case is still 100 times slower than 
the normal speed as with the Elphel board.


On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 3:03 PM, support-list 
<support-list@support.elphel.com> wrote:
Hello Harry,

Can you try the same program with the CF attached to a regular PC running Linux 
(to have the same code), not to the camera? 


Best regards,

Harry Kim
Senior Embedded Software EngineerRedZone Robotics Inc.
91 43rd Street, Suite 250
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

office 412-927-3456 or 412-476-8980 x214   cell 412-897-0066

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