Bill Davidsen wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
The procedure for composing in HTML for a single message (as opposed to
all messages) appears to have changed from 1.1.x. However, the 2.0 Help
file still refers to 1.1.x procedures as follows:

"If while composing a message you realize that one or more recipients
may not be able to receive HTML-formatted mail, you can easily convert
the message to a different format when you click Send:

1. In the Compose window, open the Options menu and choose Format.
2. Select the format you want to use for sending the message from the


That procedure no longer applies to 2.0 as there is no "Format" in the
Options menu in 2.0.

Wrong. The part you quoted from Help refers to the case where you are
composing an HTML mail. In that case there *is* a Format option under
Options and it allows you to change the format of the outgoing mail. It
has been like that in SM 1.0, SM 1.1 and it is still like that in SM 2.0.

Yes, that misfeature is still with us. People who start in HTML are allowed to
change, people who get started in text get to start all over, the option to
correct the format is not offered in text mode, and sending in text mode to
someone marked as "wants HTML" doesn't get a useful box to pop up and let you

To compose in HTML for a single message, click on
the down arrow to the right of the Compose icon. There you will be given
the option of composing the current message in "plain text" or "HTML"

Correct, this option is new. However, it does not replace the other
option, it is just a new alternative.



The way its setup now in SM2 if you have set to Plain Text in a newsgroup you can only post in Plain Text.

If you set for HTML you can post either in HTML or Plaintext you'd switch just by holding Shift key down (Mac) to swap to other format.

In Email you swap one to the other regardless of which format you in.

I suspect because most people here hate worth a passion HTML it was built in not to be able to toggle to HTM if set to Plain text.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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