Daniel wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
Pierre wrote:
I downloaded the zip file for Mozilla 1.18 to a folder where I keep
program downloads. When I unzipped it, it automatically installed
itself in this folder, but without an uninstall file to remove it.

It was not installed, hence why you can't uninstall it. As the other poster said, just delete the folder.

I think Pierre's problem is that it installed into the folder in which he keeps *ALL* his program downloads.

If he delete the folder that contains the SM installation, he also loses all the other Programs he has downloaded over time!!

I do the same thing, i.e. download all files to the same directory.


Sounds to me like he only Un-Zipped it into his download folder. That would leave only the executable in that directory. I would simply view the directory with Windows Explorer and sort the directory entries by date. One should be able to quickly identify all files installed with the date stamp the same as the Zip file and delete accordingly.

Stan Gondek
Multi Path Communications
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