On 11/21/09 5:02 AM, Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:

Fri, 20 Nov 2009 09:37:11 -0500, /art/:

 When sending a hyperlink, SM2 treats the "/" character as a word break
 delimiter and subsequently wraps the link if it is longer than the plain
 text word wrap setting. Thus, the recipient may have to cut/paste/edit
 the link before using it instead of just clicking on it.

The wrap is only visual.  If you observe the source of the message
you'll see the link text is continuous.  Copying and pasting it in a
simple plain text editor should also show the text is not broken.
The new wrapping behavior is in effect since Firefox 3.0/Gecko
1.9.0, if I'm not mistaken.  Previously Mozilla wrapped text only at
white space which made tables containing such links expand too wide,
for example.

That's certainly a good rationale for modifying the wrapping.

So as links are never stored/transmitted with hard breaks, there should be no problems with messages composed in SM2 being read by any well-behaved mail client. Operative term is "well-behaved" :-).

Thus, to summarize, SM2 will:

during message compose -
1) hard break text in the message pane based on wrap text setting using white space used as the wrapping delimiter.

2) soft break links in the message pane using special characters (e.g. "&", "/") for the wrapping delimiters for links.

during message reading -
3) soft break links/text in the message pane based on pane width. Same delimiters as #1 for text, #2 for links.

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