On 12/6/2009 2:54 AM PT, Daniel typed:

http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8485/screenshotfi.gif on what I saw.

This seems like a bug in SeaMonkey v2. You don't need an account
either to reproduce it. Just set it up for nntp.earthlink.net server,
restart SeaMonkey, and make it access this newsgroup/usenet server.

I already tried deleting the old account and making a new one, but
still get prompted twice. Is anyone else getting this? :(

I was getting multiple requests for user ID and password in Tbird. I
traced the problem to spurious accounts named "news" and "news-1",
created as a result of bug #41133. See

This bug is open in Tbird and is not marked as closed for Tbird
3.0. Since the Mail/News component of SeaMonkey 2.0 is based on the
MailNews Core for pending Tbird 3.0, I suspect this problem exists in
SeaMonkey 2.0. It appears that no effort is being made to close this bug.

Dang, that stinks. Annoying minor bug. :(
"Busy as ants hurrying orcs were digging, digging lines of deep trenches in a huge ring, just out of bowshot from the walls;" --The Return of the King (book)
  / /\ /\ \         Phil/Ant @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
 | |o   o| |        Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL): http://aqfl.net
    \ _ /         Nuke ANT from e-mail address: phi...@earthlink.netant
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Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.
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