BeeNeR wrote:
On or about 12/10/2009 8:14 AM, Daniel typed the following:
BeeNeR wrote:
On or about 12/9/2009 6:05 AM, BeeNeR typed the following:
On or about 12/8/2009 10:32 PM, Robert Kaiser typed the following:
                          < S N I P >

Now that you've found "All is right with the world", I'll chime in and
say when I read your other post where you mentioned having 16
addressbooks being a problem because 16 was more than "F"(Hex), I was
going to comment that the first book is probably "0"(Hex), so the
sixteenth would be "F"(Hex).

Don't have any suggestion as to why it might work today!


Back when I was working and still doing software I tried to stay away
from using '0' (zero) as a possible integer whenever possible and not
needed.  This prevented operations such as 'divide by zero' which
usually broke (crashed) the program.

....and some weirdos will even try and convince you that 0 (zero) is an even number!! They've got to be joking!!!

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