Il 17/12/09 08:20, Ray_Net ha scritto:
> Why should we vote for a bug that should be corrected.

"Voting allows users to be given a pot of votes which they can allocate
to bugs, to indicate that they'd like them fixed. This allows developers
to gauge user need for a particular enhancement or bugfix. By allowing
bugs with a certain number of votes to automatically move from
"UNCONFIRMED" to "NEW", users of the bug system can help high-priority
bugs garner attention so they don't sit for a long time awaiting triage."
from <>

> IMHO i think that the votes must be applied against new features.
> If the developper concentrates more on solving bugs .. the number of
> complains should decrease.

This is a bit simplistic, IMHO.
Usually a project doesn't have the resources to solve *all* its bugs, so
developers can use the voting system to determine how much a bugfix is
desired and concentrate more on high requested fixes.

Andrea "XFox" Govoni

Yahoo! ID: xfox82
Skype Name: draykan

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