On or about 12/21/2009 5:16 PM, Jens Hatlak typed the following:
> BeeNeR wrote:
>> How do I turn off the Bookmarks Icon in my Personal Toolbar?
> Right click it, choose Customize... and drag it into the
> window/dialog/sheet that opens.
>> The 'HELP' file says it can be turned off:
> Help has not been updated for that; I just filed Bug 536257.
> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=536257>
> Thanks for noticing! :-)
>> Seems to be unneccessary in the 'Personal Toolbar' anyhow since there is
>> already a way to get to 'Bookmarks' via the 'File Edit View Go Bookmarks
>> Tools Window Help" line.
> It's certainly redundant but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's
> really a matter of opinion: Some like it like that, others (like you)
> don't. SeaMonkey is all about choice so you're free to set it up the way
> you like it, and others may do so as well.
> Jens

Thanks Jens - I did try that (only once) and must be I didn't drag it as
far as thought I did since it didn't work.  My bad for not trying it
again.  Just went to 'HELP' to see if I was doing something wrong and
found out the 'HELP' file didn't really help.

All's under control now.  And thanks for filing a bug report.


Midas, they say, possessed the art of old
Of turning whatsoe'er he touch'd to gold;
This modern statesmen can reverse with ease -
Touch them with gold, they'll turn to what you please.  ~John Wolcot
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