Ralph wrote:
Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
Sat, 26 Dec 2009 11:26:21 -0700, /Ralph/:

I have found that with version 2.1 (perhaps it happened before but did

I guess you've meant version 2.0.1, but 2.1 snapshots should be the

not notice)when I reply to a message (email or in this group) not all of
the original message is captured and displayed in my new email

Is this a settings thing.. or??

If you've selected part of the original message only this part will
be quoted. Remove the selection from the original message view
prior replying to quote the whole message.

Thanks for the reply.. You are right about 2.0.1.. sorry
I think I have found what is causing my problem.
It seems that "--" marks that SM puts above the name of the sender or
perhaps part of the signature causes SM to NOT include anything past
that point. Thus in this response your
is not included.
So... if someone replies and the signature or name is above any previous
text it will not show as part of the response.

This seems to a be a new issue that I have not noticed before.

Thanks to all that replied.. I had not noticed it before and it only became an issue on a response I wanted to make where my original text was below this signature.. and consequently was not included in my reply

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