NoOp wrote:
On 01/03/2010 07:07 AM, Christian Mondrup wrote:
Since SM 2 I've been unable to use a web site,, properly. The site offers an on-line
doctionary on Danish dialects. In order to display phonetic characters
it references a set of fonts which can be downloaded from the site
( This file is in fact
a zip file containing 3 truetype fonts. I've stored these fonts in the
~/.fonts and /user/share/fonts/truetype directories of my Ubuntu 9.10

When I point the Konqueror browser to I
do see the referenced phonetic characters; but the display of these
fonts fails with SM and firefox.

Not sure what the issue might be, but the page displays fine for me in
2.0.1, 2.0.2pre, Firefox 3.5.6, Evince (Gnome Web Browser) 2.28.0, and
Kompozer 0.8a4 without installing any added fonts. All using Ubuntu
9.10. Interestingly enough, the page displays this with Opera Version/10.10:

Opslag i Jysk Ordbog forudsætter,
at du har adgang til Netscape version 4
eller Microsoft Explorer version 4 eller 5.
Har du ikke en af disse to browsertyper,
kan du downloade den ved klik på én af nedenstående:

I observed that too. The Danish text says that looking up in the dictionary requires Netscape or IE browser types. Older versions of Opera let you configure the browser to identify itself itself as Mozilla or IE. I suppose that is still possible, but I don't know how to do it for the most recent version.

Samples from the working SeaMonkey's etc:
ß  ("blødt b", "spansk b"; udtales som en mellemting mellem b  og w ;
jf. K 4.3 med kommentar)

ch (udtales som tysk ´ch (fx Bach, ich ; jf. K 4.2 med kommentar)

Û ("blødt d"; udtales som ´d i rigsmålets blad ; jf. K 4.0 og K 4.1 med

Perhaps I'm missing something; can you post a link to a screenshot
pointing out what you are missing... or I am missing?

The difference is which glyphs you're seeing. I've uploaded 2 screen shots of

Google Chrome:

SM 2.0.1:

Please notice the difference between the initial glyph as displayed in the line saying

ß  ("blødt b", "spansk b"; udtales som en mellemting mellem b  og w ; jf. K 4.3 
med kommentar)

SM displays the German double s (ß) in stead of a specially designed italics 'b'
Christian Mondrup, Archive Editor
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive
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