On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 07:39:20 -0600, Jay Garcia
<j...@jaynospamgarcia.com> wrote:

>On 06.01.2010 07:13, JohnW-Mpls wrote:
>  --- Original Message ---
>> In Dec I went back to 1.18 because my XP had a half dozen BSODs since
>> I installed 2.0 in late Oct.  I have not had a BSOD since returning to
>> 1.18.
>> Someone suggested running Ramtest incase the BSODs were caused by some
>> RAM weakness.  I did that - no ram errors.
>> However, when removing and reinstalling SM versions, some other of my
>> USB connected components seemed to run slowly - and it was plugged in
>> via an old expansion hub.  My internet (ethernet) was plugged into
>> that same expansion hub and I wondered if some other internet
>> activities were being affected by a slow expansion hub. So I swapped
>> USB connections to get my internet on a USB port right on the
>> motherboard.  Eureka - all my internet action now seemed more crisp!
>> My current postulation is the BSODs were caused by timing problems
>> between the USB handling and SM 2.0.  Not illogical that the new SM
>> 2.0 base code expects tighter signal timing.  (I could try proving
>> this using Firefox&  Thunderbird on the old USB setup but...)
>> I debated going back to SM 2.0 now but I'm spoiled by 1.18's much
>> simpler handling of passwords for apps that require them.  Question:
>> is SM 2 going to be modified to handle passwords decently?  And if so,
>> about when might that change be expected?
>What is your OS, not listed in the header.
>Running XP-Pro SP3 here and have not experienced any issues that you are 
>having with USB - SM2 and so on. I also run remote desktop quite often 
>with no problems. USB connections - 12 devices.

I'm using XP with SP3.  My PC has 8 USB ports on the montherboard.  I
think my problem was an old USB expansion hub.  I got a new 4 port
expansion hub ($4.95) and all hubs at the store were advertised to
handle 480 Mbps. That speed may be only marketing hype but I cannot
help but think that my old hub may well be slower.

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