Ray_Net wrote:
Ralph wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
I have a link on my desktop to Start SM Browser.
Using it bring me SM Browser with his "Home page".
Is it possible to modify a copy of this link in such a way that the
browser start and display a spécific page like:
file:///C:/Program Files/GIMP-2.0/share/gimp/2.0/help/fr/index.html
(in case SM is not the default browser)
If you want your browser to open to a specific page from a shortcut on
your desktop. Go to your page however you normally do then grab the
favicon to the left of the URL (your mouse pointer will become a
hand)and drag it (right mouse hold) to your desk top.

But you may then have the issue I am grappling with.. an error message
from Windows about not being able to find the file.. The page will in
fact open.. and you will have to close the error message before the
desktop becomes accessible to you. This seems to be a bit of a bug.

That's creating a Web document link - it will open with the default
browser - not always SM.

If you want to open into a specific browser here is what works for me when I want to test my website in a number of different browsers.

Have a shortcut on your desktop to the program itself. IE, Safari Firefox SeaMonkey etc. then drag your "Web document link" on to that shortcut and it will open in that browser and go to that page.

Your "web document link" is what I have been told is called an "Internet Shortcut".. The result of dragging a favicon (that little icon to the left of the URL) to my desktop.
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