I have SM 2.0.2 on two computers, one with windowsxp and one with vista. Until today, I was receiving email on the same account with whichever pc I was using. Today, however, on the vista pc, when I went to read my email, there were no new mails, and when I demanded that it download mails, it connected to the POP server, said it was downloading 1 of 19 items, then after about a minute said the connection had timed out.

I went to my isps web site, and was able to read emails there. I didn't read all of them. When I went back to the seamonkey reader, I got the same failure, although this time the message about dowloading 1 of 19 reflected that I had deleted some of the emails when I visited the web site. So apparently I am connecting enough to know how many emails there are, but something is preventing me from receiving the actual emails.

I went to my windowsxp box and it is still working flawlessly, downloading the messages as both boxes used to.

I thought perhaps a firewall setting was the problem, but I have the same FSAV program on both computers, and I don't see any dissimilar settings, and I had not done anything with the FSAV before the probem happened.

I went to my ISP and the first cantalyst said using the same account name from two computers could cause the server to crash. I thought it was unlikely that it would crash for one computer and still work for the other, and certainly they would have noticed that one of their servers was crashing, but what do I know? The second analyst made more sense, but said they didn't support seamonkey, and suggested it was a problem with my vista pc or my firewall.

So what can I do to fix this thing? Incidentally, and obviously, I am not having problems with the newsgroups.
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