
 I just played a little around using
 (Kubuntu 8.04, but all seamonkey/thb/fixr are not part of Ubuntu).

 ps ux

 For either seamonkey 2.0 (with the mail application running (check 2 imap
 servers in a 10 Min interval)) and various webpages open.

 Or firefox 3.5 the same pages open

 and thunderbird 3.0 (with the mail application running (check 2 imap
 servers in a 10 Min interval))

 I was very surprised to find out the following:
 When I run
 seamonkey alone it  consumed around 12% of my CPU.
 When I started firefox + thunderbird
 firefox consumed around a little more 15% of my CPU
 and thunderbird almost 40%!!!

 I never really thought of switching from seamonkey to
 thunderbird+firfox, now these numbers convinced me even

 Can somebody confirm these numbers or the general impression?

 Uwe Brauer

support-seamonkey mailing list

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