Kjell Rilbe wrote:

I'm Swedish and write most of my emails in Swedish, so would like to use
the Swedish dictionary for spell checking in my e-mails.

But I also write messages in several forums, in which case I write in
English and would like to use the English dictionary.

Also, I write in some mailing lists, which are normal e-mails, and I
would like to use English dictionary for these.

So, can I configure SeaMonkey to use THIS dictionary for THESE accounts,
but THAT dictionary for these OTHER accounts, and also use THIS
dictionary for messages to THESE recipients?

If not, could such a feature be added?


Kjell, one solution to your situation would be to set yourself up two profiles in SeaMonkey, one using a Swedish dictionary, the other using an English dictionary.

You can set both profiles to use the same Inbox, Sent, News servers, etc, just if you need to change languages, select Tools->Switch Profiles and select the profile that uses the other dictionary.


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