On 2/17/2010 4:41 AM, Frog wrote:
> I continue to use SeaMonkey version 1.1.8.  I have it working like an 
> old shoe.  It is doing everything I want it to do, and I understand it 
> fairly well.  I know that a day is coming when this version will become 
> limited in accessing some web sites.  Thus, I am contemplating 
> installing the latest version of SeaMonkey on my system.  I want to 
> continue to use my old 1.1.8 version as my primary, while I make an 
> effort to learn the latest version of SeaMonkey.  I understand that I 
> can have both on my system simultaneously without one interfering with 
> the other.  I believe I can set the new version up without transferring 
> my address book, bookmarks, mail, etc. to the newer version.  Yes, I 
> know that I will have to establish a new profile for the new version.
> Is there anything incorrect about what I have said to this point?

When you migrate your 1.1.X profile into a 2.X profile, your 1.1.X
profile is not touched. The information is "copied" not "moved". So
when you test your 2.X installation, you can do so with all your
1.1.X profile data like bookmarks, passwords, address book entries,

Just keep in mind that any changes made by SeaMonkey to outside
resources, like your e-mail server will affect both applications.
For example, if you download your e-mail from your mail server to
your local machine (not leaving the mail on the server), then the
first SM to get it wins.

As a result, if you want to test SM 2.X with your actual e-mail server,
you probably want to configure it to leave messages on the server, so
your live SM 1.1.X version will still be able to get the e-mail

> Someday, I hope to feel comfortable enough with the new version that I 
> will want to make it my primary.  This is where I am not sure of the 
> steps I will be required to take at that time.  In my mind, I think I 
> will remove (via add/remove) the new version from my system along with 
> its associated profile.  I will then add the new version back to my 
> system and let it move my profile, address book, bookmarks, messages, 
> etc from the 1.1.8 version to the new version.
> How am I doing with my thinking?  Is there a better or easier way of 
> accomplishing this task?

It won't "move" your 1.1.X profile data, it will "copy" (migrate) it.

> I suppose I could leave both old and new versions of this software on my 
> system permanently.  I would then simply start downloading my messages 
> to the new version and in time it would by default become my primary 
> version.  In time, I could then remove the old version and its 
> associated profile.

That is certainly an option. Just keep in mind that if one version
downloads messages and removes them from the server, the other version
won't see the messages.

> What happens when two profiles are active on the same computer?

SeaMonkey will make sure no other instances are running, to make
sure you don't hurt yourself. However, you can run SM 2.X while
an instance of SM 1.1.X is running, by passing a special command-line
parameter - which I'm drawing a blank on at the moment. Perhaps
someone else will chime-in and provide it. It's something like --no-remote
(I think).

> Will it ask each time SeaMonkey is opened for the profile to use?

SM 1.1.X won't see the SM 2.X profiles. SM 2.X won't see the SM 1.1.X
profiles. So, having one profile for each version won't result is
either version asking which profile to use.

> I am guessing that each version will have its own ICON on my desktop and 
> it will open the correct profile for that ICON--is that correct?

You can set it up that way, but it won't be set up that way by default.
When you install SM 2.x, it assume you want to replace all the existing
SM 1.1.X start menu/shortcuts. However, nothing prevents you from setting
up any start menus/shortcuts you want. Just remember that you can't run
both at the same time unless you deal with the special command-line
parameter (mentioned above).

> If I move from the old to new version, leaving both on my system, is 
> there a way to copy the bookmarks, address book, messages, etc. to the 
> new version?  If so, how is this accomplished?  What specific files get 
> copied in the old version and where are they placed in the new version?

Answered above.

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