After years and years of using Netscape/Mozilla/Seamonkey products, I
realized one thing...

Plaintext message display settings are tied up with the default
monospace font settings for HTML pages. That is, when reading plaintext
mail, news and blog messages, you get the same font as you get when you
are reading a monospaced-formatted block in a webpage (as long as the
webpage designer didn't specify the font, that is).

I'm not sure that's a good idea. Those are different problems -- a
monospaced text block inside a proportionally-spaced page should have
its font and size chosen in order to harmonize aesthetically with the
proportional-spaced text -- and maybe, deliberately choosing a font that
highlights the fact that it *is* monospaced, such as a typewriter-style
font. As monospaced text is usually a small part of it, readability can
take a hit in order to satisfy aesthetics. That's probably why the
default font size (on Windows, that is) for monospaced fonts is 13 while
for the other fonts is 16 -- most monospaced fonts "looks" larger, so
it's set to a smaller size to compensate.

In a full-text message, readability concerns should dominate. So we
should be able to choose a font and size on its merits alone, without
concerning ourselves on how would it "fit" with other fonts. So it's not
unreasonable to desire, say, a larger font for messages, or one that
looks less like a typewriter or computer terminal. (I have seen a few
monospaced fonts that manage to "disguise" the fact that they *are*
monospaced remarkably).

So... is there any way to set a font preference for plaintext messages
separately from the one used on HTML rendering? (Perhaps it could be
used also for non-HTML rendering on the browser window, such as text
files). Or should I open a RFE bug?


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... BOFH excuse #235:
The new frame relay network hasn't bedded down the software loop
transmitter yet.
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