On 3/21/2010 7:23 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 03/21/2010 01:12 PM, Marisa Ciceran wrote:
>> I had no problem installing SeaMonkey 2.0.3 on my new laptop which came 
>> with Windows 7 Home Edition installed, but I cannot find any 
>> documentation or figure out how to migrate (or copy) any of my SeaMonkey 
>> 2.0.3 mail files from another PC (with Windows XP Pro installed) to the 
>> new laptop. The import feature has no such provisions. At the very 
>> minimum, I need to copy my bookmarks.html and abook.mab files to the 
>> laptop. Can[not\ do? I would appreciate anyone's help.
> You could try:
> http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com/
> Backup anything before you do any of this...
> I actually had a similar situation whereby I have a SM 2.0.4 on a linux
> system & wanted to replicate on a Win7 laptop. All that I did was copy
> the ~/.mozilla folder from the linux machine to the Win7 machine &
> replace the 'SeaMonkey' folder from the copied files to:
> C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Seamonkey\
> Note: on Win7 I actually used
> Network|<machinename>|Users|<username>|AppData|Roaming|Mozilla|
> and fired up SM. All works. No clue as to why/how (I'm a linux user so
> Win7 et al is pretty unfamilar to me), but it worked for me. I even
> rebooted the Win7 just to be sure.

In fact I'm using that Win7 w/SeaMonkey 2.0.4 now. Again, not sure how
it magically got interpreted... but pretty amazing that it did work w/o
issue. Another interesting fact is, if I look at the Win7 prefs.js file,
it still shows the path information for the linux install. On
linx-to-linux systems I normally edit this file to correct the paths...
but apparently there is no need in Win7?

> Again *backup* before you try anything.

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