Daniel wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Hi all,

My prefered way of upgrading is to:
1. Remove the SeaMonkey 2.0.3 with the Add/Remove program of the
"Control Panel"
2. RE-boot the pc
3. Install SeaMonkey 2.0.4
by running the downloaded file: SeaMonkey Setup 2.0.4.exe
4. Run SeaMonkey 2.0.4 then in the browser
4.1 Open the downloaded file: seamonkey-2.0.4.fr.langpack.xpi (for
4.2 Open the downloaded file: addon-13369-latest.xpi (for french
5. Enable the french language
6. Enable the french spelling

BUT !!! i cannot do step 1.
Because i did not find the SeaMonkey 2.0.3 using the "Add/Remove
program" of the Windows "Control Panel"

I am under Windows XP SP3
and SM Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1;
rv: Gecko/20100205 NOT Firefox/3.5 SeaMonkey/2.0.3

Ray, did you follow a similar process when you installed SM 2.0.3, or
did you just upgrade from one of the earlier 2.0.x's??

I followed the same process when upgrading from SM1.1.14 to SM2.0.3

Does SeaMonkey (any version) appear at all in the Add/Remove list??
NO, there is no trace of any SeaMonkey.

I had a good idea ...
After a boot, i let my pc going to a quiet status (after some automatic
scanning by my anti-virus program) waiting till -> 99,99% cpu idle.
Then i install the same SM version 2.0.3 overwriting the SM2.0.3 one.
NOW !!! there is a "SeaMonkey (2.0.3)" entry in the Add/Remove programs
of the windows control panel.

Ray, it may be because of the SeaMonkey package that you installed,
originally!! I think if you installed the *.zip package, you get the
program but it is not registered in the Windows registry.

Which version of SeaMonkey did you install now that got it to show in
the registry??

"SeaMonkey Setup 2.0.4.exe" the same one used at first installation.

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