It seems that the profile "workarounds" referenced on the download reference link at doesn't work...

at least it doesn't work for profiles that are not in the default profile location.

fwiw, I'm back at 1.1.17 following a full day of attempting everything possible including multiple uninstalls of 2.0.4

the command line option

"C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -P "<profilename>" -migration

the above results in absolutely zero action by SeaMonkey 2... no disk activity, no cpu activity, simply nothing.

There is no "migration wizard" as described.

There is an "import" option in the mail/newsgroups tools option... and while that _appears_ to work, (bookmarks, passwords and a few other items are migrated, but nothing related to email such as messages and addresses) those are completely gone the next time SeaMonkey is started.

No help requested... just posting this for others who may be considering moving on up to 2.0.4 (Bugzilla? No thanks, been down that frustrating worm hole many times before with nothing to show for the effort beyond frustration ;-)

Beverly Howard
support-seamonkey mailing list

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