On 14.06.2010 10:12, Daniel Barclay wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

> Jay Garcia wrote:
>> On 14.06.2010 02:40, Ray Chandler wrote:
>>  --- Original Message ---
>>> JeffM wrote:
>>>> When you REPLY to an *existing* thread, hit **Reply**.
>>>> DO NOT start a new thread with each new post.
>>> That's what I'm doing ... hitting 'reply' then removing all the other
>>> stuff from the digest leaving only the topic I'm referring to.
>>> But surely you then have to change the subject line, otherwise
>>> everything will be headed something like "Re: support-seamonkey
>>> Digest, Vol 54, Issue 32".
>>> If I'm doing something wrong you'll have to be clearer in putting me
>>> right. The link you gave specified using 'reply' rather than 'write'
>>> or 'compose', but that's what I am doing - using the 'reply'. 
>>> Perhaps I am removing something important in my trimming?
>> If you're changing the subject line then it becomes a new post even
>> though you are actually "replying". Either way it's confusing to most.
> Huh?  Do you mean "thread" where you write "post"?  (_Any_ new message is
> a new post.   Some are new threads; some are not.)
> No, changing the subject line does _not_ change the threading (at least
> as far as References-aware user agents go).  (Recall the usual complaints
> about (usually accidental) threat hijacking.)
> However, I think I see the cause of the problem here:
> Evidentally JeffM is reading logical messages wrapped inside the
> digest message (logical).  When he replies, his user agent threads
> his reply message to the physical message to which he replied--the
> digest message (which of course doesn't even appear on the mail
> mailing list / newsgroup).
> Ideally for the rest of the list (readers), JeffM would read individual
> messages, and then his replying would thread normally.
> (No, I don't know what to suggest to let JeffM preserve his choice
> to subscribe to the digest version but also reply with the list's
> preferred threading.)
> Daniel

Yes, it changes the subject but does remain in the original thread.
However, if the subject is XXX and you change it to YYY then try
searching for XXX and see what happens. YYY becomes a new post in the
same thread.

*Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion*
Netscape - Firefox - SeaMonkey - Flock - Thunderbird
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