Pat Connors wrote:
I was surprised this morning when I clicked on SM and found I had an
automatic download from SeaMonkey that I didn't ask for. When the
browser finally load, it said I now had 2.0.5. I have been on SM since
Netscape stopped updating and this has never happened before.

When I read the list, it was mentioned that this not the full 2.0.5 but
a security update. What does that mean? Under Help, About SeaMonkey, it
says I am using version 2.0.5. I guess I need a clarification on whether
this is 5 or not 5.

Pat, it would seem that you have had a non-automatic update performed on you.

In Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Software Installation, you should be able to set up how you want SM to update, or to inform you of updates being available. At least that's how I read it!!

I've got mine set up to check for Updates weekly and then for SM to Ask me what to do, but I cannot recall (for sometime, at least) being asked what I what to happen, just at times when I start SM, it tells me it is applying never asks if I want to apply the updates.

Seems something is wrong here!

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