With patience akin to a cat's, Walter, on 7/16/2010 1:00 PM typed:
I assume there is no monitor on this newsgroup, what with the  porno
links that continually show up. Where would I find a way to filter these
messages as the URL seems to all be the same. I knew how to do this at
one time but have forgotten and can't find it now.


Walter, I use the following settings, with the only drawback being that all
messages originating from Google Groups (also where 99% of group spam
originates from) will be filtered out.

1) In the main SM e-mail window, click on Tools | Message Filters

2) Under the "Filters for:" drop-down box, scroll down to what you've named
the server for Mozilla newsgroups (mine is labelled SeaMonkey Newsgroups),
slide right and click on "choose this newsserver"

3) If you don't have a filter set up yet, you'll need to create one using the
New button.  (I call mine Global Killfile).  Once in the Filter Rules dialog
box, in the first drop-down field, click on Customize at the bottom.  In the
Customize Header dialog box, type in Organization in the field under "New
message header:", then click the Add button, then the OK button.

4) The middle field of the three should be set to "contains"

5) In the third field next to the + button, type "groups.google.com" (without
quotes, of course), then click on "Delete Message" in the drop-down box under
"Perform these actions:"

6) Make sure the radio button for "Match any of the following" is ticked, and
the "Apply filter when:" setting is "Checking Mail or Manually Run".  Click
the OK button of the Filter Rules dialog box to finalize your settings.  Exit
the Message Filters dialog box using the close X button.

This will effectively filter all the spam messages the newsgroups have
currently been receiving, with the only drawback, as I stated above, of also
deleting all posts originating from Google Groups.  However, I haven't
observed this to be detrimental to message traffic, but YMMV.

Purrs --
     /\ /\                     | "For push of nose,
     ^o o^    D.K. "Cat" Kraft |  for perseverance,
     ->T<-                     |  there is nothing to beat a cat."
       ~      Lynnwood, WA     |
___oOO___OOo___                |                      -- Emily Carr
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