Philip Chee wrote:
On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 15:47:10 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:

SeaMonkey 2.1 will have a Form data editor as part of the Data Manager.

Will it hopefully look like what we have now with the autofill, or are we in for dose of "did what the developer needed" functionality?

It means that you are in for a dose of "nobody else stepped up to the
plate so KaiRo did the best he could seeing as he is primarily a
translator and website designer and not a developer except that he's
learnt to do a few things in the last few years mostly by osmosis".

/me looks at Bill. Why don't you pick up a copy of Javascript for
Dummies at the local Borders?

Unless it has a chapter on "being happy having no life at all" there's no way it's going to do any good. And having never found anything like the Linux kernel mailing to submit patches painlessly, I would be maintaining them just for me forever. There's a perfectly good autofill extension, as long as that continues to work I will continue to ignore the default forms stuff.

And Sams "Javascript in 24 hours" is the book I would recommend if someone asked me. I suppose my 4th edition is out of date by now, but it serves.

Bill Davidsen <>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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