Beverly Howard wrote:
 >> all open too narrow, cutting off content on the right hand
side. <<

There is a bug report on this... feel free to add to add your experience
to it

Key questions are

what computer are you experiencing this on? (netbook, tablet, laptop???)

What screen size in pixels

what os

are you using "large font" settings

Post the above here as there may be workarounds.

Beverly Howard

Thank you Beverly.
Workarounds as such are not a problem.
I was just reporting on an observed misbehaviour of my SM
and wondering if it was just me or an old bug. However:

Computer is a Lenovo E20 desktop.
Monitor  is a Lenovo L215p wide (21.5" wide), resolution 1920 x 1080 x 60hz
OS is MS W7 ultimate, 64 bit, with SM 2.0.6 running in 32bit mode and
I am using all default settings as installed from the download from
the Moz/SM site. i.e. not "large font".

P.s. Is this bug still in the suite as of SM 2.1

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