stango wrote: wrote:
Another odd one.

I cannot download from this site:

Mousing-over the "CLEGG THOR MANUAL" should get me a pop-up or
something in order to download but it only highlights.

Is the there a problem with the page or perhaps some setting I
need to change in my Seamonkey 2.0.8, please?

You must put your cursor on the very last word 'tooltip' to activate the
download link.

No, not unless you've logged in as a registered user. Yes, it does show the link to the file but the link is absent. Look at the source. Hover over that image and click when not logged in. Does it do anything? Nope.

Stupid page design IMHO. What the hell is so valuable about those files that you can't see/download them unless you give the site your email and other info? Nothing. Just leads to threads like this one and discontent among users. Stupid.

Ed Mullen
Why do people keep $50k worth of cars in the driveway and $1k of junk in the garage?
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