On 9/21/2010 12:52 PM On a whim, Jay Garcia pounded out on the keyboard

On 21.09.2010 14:02, Terry R. wrote:

  --- Original Message ---

On 9/21/2010 11:17 AM On a whim, Beauregard T. Shagnasty pounded out on
the keyboard

stango wrote:

I do not have a problem viewing this page using SM 1.1.19 if I spoof
FF 3.6.3.
Viewing isn't the problem. It's printing. Try a Print Preview.

Printed fine in FF at least.

Terry R.

Doesn't here in FF 3.6.10

You useing some sorta extension? Won't even print using IE-Tab

No extension. Dunno... Like I mentioned, I did have to select the text in Chrome to get it to print properly, but nothing in FF. Strange since FF usually screws up big time when printing tables.

Terry R.
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