"d...@kd4e.com" <d...@kd4e.com> wrote:
>> So what is "Googel" going to do with your association members' names?
>> Steal their bank accounts?
> Have you heard the pompous declarations of the head of Google?
> That soon people will not ask Google merely for information
> but will rely upon them for direction because Google has gathered
> so much data about them over so long a period of time that they
> know more about them than they do.
> If that does not frighten you then I have to guess that you are
> missing his intent.
> This is a dangerous man with too much money and power and too
> many resources.
> It has nothing to do with "paranoia", it has to do with the
> application of clear thinking to a clear and present danger
> to privacy and to freedom.
> Orwell's 1984 may be a few decades late but according to Google
> they are about to make it into a reality is ways one may have
> to morph 1984 and The Matrix to contemplate.
> There is a reason Google is being investigated and sued by
> government agencies around the world.
> Let's not be blind - history is replete with the terrible
> consequences resulting from ignoring obvious threats to
> freedom.
> No one *needs* Google - so since they have clearly stated their
> intend to invade privacy and to attack freedom how about we just
> make our own decision to part company with them?
> It's not hard.

Could you provide a link to these comments, so that we might read and
judge for ourselves?

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