Richard Owlett wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 09/28/2010 05:22 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
Historical background
1. I started out when Netscape 4.x was latest and greatest
Upgraded over years to Mozilla and then Seamonkey
2. Up until ~4 years ago I was doing some informal support for two
visually impaired naive users at church. I set my system up
to emulate the features they typically had problems with.
3. I have some ideas about what makes a page legible, primarily
use black text on white background wherever possible. So I
set many things up to override the page designers choices.
4. My system is WinXP Pro SP3. I have no idea (nor really care)
how IE was configured by my vendor. I use it *ONLY* to access
MS update site.

The problem
Cruddy conflicting settings have been inherited which prevent
some pages from displaying properly. The most annoying problem is
that menus appearing when you hover over a link have a
transparent background making it illegible (text overwriting
text). The pages display properly in a Firefox installation to
which I have access.

1. I'm about to upgrade from Seamonkey 2.0.5. I wish to leave
all of my existing profiles *UNTOUCHED*. I want my updated
SeaMonkey to act as if it was first browser ever installed.

Install it to a different location& use a different user profile.

I suspected (and hoped) that would be the answer. Thanks, here goes ;)

By choosing custom install I was able to install files in a different directory. *HOWEVER* I was not given option to create a new profile. I chose to create shortcut on the Desktop - it created *THREE* - all start the browser and all show that the program is to be launched in the old directory.

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