[Mostly resending with slight corrections to cover support and L10n groups as well with this message - this is a localized beta after all]


The SeaMonkey team is getting closer to the next major release - and SeaMonkey 2.1 Beta 1 has the vast majority of the expected big changes done already, with JaegerMonkey and all the web-facing Firefox 4 features being at the edge of current development, as well as things like Data Manager and OpenSearch support on the UI side of things. The list of major changes/features is up at https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey:Features:2.1 - and that page might not even be fully complete (it's a wiki, help supplementing it if you know items to add).

This is still new stuff and not a final release, so expect that many add-ons don't work correctly (some do, though), and don't trust it with any non-backed-up data (note that it will re-use your 2.0.x profiles).

Please report any bugs at bugzilla.mozilla.org, finding them and being able to solve them is what alpha testing is for, after all.

The candidate builds are up right now in the linux-i686, mac, and win32 subdirectories of http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/seamonkey/nightly/2.1b1-candidates/build2/ - updates for 2.1 Alphas are available on the betatest channel. All those builds are available in 8 languages including US English this time.

Please test those updates intensely, as our automated verification runs showed strange results for complete updates and we're not sure yet what's going on there!

As always, the linux-x86_64 build is NOT OFFICIAL and will be listed as "contributed build" officially.

Localizers, please test the builds in your locale and fix any problems/glitches for the second beta, the tentative freeze for that will be around the end of October or start of November.

The platform code has seen a long list of changes, but SeaMonkey-specific ones are quite extensively as well, Bugzilla lists 96 fixes in SeaMonkey-specific code done for this version alone: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?resolution=FIXED&target_milestone=seamonkey2.1b1

Please use the builds for any usage patterns you can think of, possibly also doing a https://litmus.mozilla.org/run_tests.cgi?test_run_id=7 smoketest run on them. I know that this Litmus run isn't perfect, but it's the best we have right now.

The only issue we know of is that builds probably don't work reasonably for Mac PPC users, which is why we don't ship any updates any more on any 2.1* builds for this architecture, even though we still compile builds with theoretical support for the moment, but that's mostly for infrastructure reasons, we will likely switch to completely de-support PPC before the final 2.1 release comes around (this is due to Mozilla platform decisions that are out of our specific reach).

Thanks for your help!

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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