On 10/14/2010 3:54 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> Ken wrote:
>> Beverly Howard wrote:
>>> >> When a message is forwarded, there appears a vertical line on the
>>> left side.... <<
>>> I think Paul has identified the problem, but, to clarify what's
>>> happening;
>>> Check to see if there are ">" characters in the message source of the
>>> message before it is forwarded... if you edit in html (your message edit
>>> toolbar will have font and other formatting options) those will be
>>> converted to the vertical bars you describe when you "quote" the
>>> original message or forward inline.
>> I am not sure you understand what I was trying to do. I wanted to REMOVE
>> the vertical bars from a forwarded message I had received and then
>> forward that message to someone else. My reason for removing those bars
>> was that the content of the message was being moved so far to the right
>> due to the vertical bars that a scroll bar would appear on the bottom of
>> the message.
>> Now maybe you understand my question and I do not understand your
>> solution? Are you suggesting that I EDIT the message while viewing it in
>> MESSAGE SOURCE and then send the message?
> OK, let's take it step by step.
> First of all, when forwarding, you have two options: "inline" or 
> "attachment." If you choose "attachment," the original message is 
> forwarded intact and you can't edit it. So if you want to make any 
> changes -- removing quote bars, pruning extraneous material, etc. -- you 
> need to forward it inline.
> Second, if you forward inline, as far as I can tell that will always 
> produce a plain-text message with quote marks (">"), not bars. I know of 

I don't think that's true. I've always composed messages in plain text. When
I first starting working with SeaMonkey, replies to some (perhaps all? I can't
remember for sure) messages would use the vertical bars to show quoted text.
To switch to the "> " quoting style, I had to set the following preferences
in my user.js file:

user_pref("mail.quoted_graphical", false);
user_pref("mail.quoteasblock", false);
user_pref("mailnews.display.disable_format_flowed_support", true);

Whether or not this will actually help the OP with his question, I'm not

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