On 27.10.2010 09:05, S. Beaulieu wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

> Jay Garcia a écrit :
>> You can't that I am aware of. It's an old bug from the Netscape 7 days
>> that you can't use another browser. It seems that it's never been
>> fixed yet.
> Why would that be a "bug"? SM is an all-in-one. I wouldn't expect it to
> work any other way.
> S.

If I remember correctly, the messenger component in SM is based on the
Netscape/Mozilla foundation code, not written from scratch. Seems like
the bug made it to SM because of that. If one of the devs would like to
comment on that please do so, thanks.

A common (misconception?) is that since the browser is loaded to memory
then that's the reason but the devs a long time ago said that wasn't so
but rather a bug.

*Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion*
Netscape - Firefox - SeaMonkey - Flock - Thunderbird

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