JeffM wrote:
Doug Fisher wrote:
I wish SM could figure get on more compliant lists
- or figure out a way to work around this.

What I wish is that people would stop
blaming a browser that works PERFECTLY on properly-build sites
when that browser encounters a site built by an incompetent bozo
who should be doing a job that includes using the phrase
"Do you want fries with that?".

The problem is NOT the browser.
Contact the jackass who can't built a proper Web page.
Direct your bile at the moron who obviously
doesn't do proper testing on the crap pages he produces.

Err, contact, perhaps, a commenter who can get his verb tenses right?

And, there is NO perfectly built browser, doesn't exist. Much as I love Moz sw and SeaMonkey, no, not perfectly built, hardly so.

Perfection in any aspect of life is, at best, illusive, at worst, a fool's errand.

Browsers? Well, SM does lots of things well, many things better than the competition. All things perfectly? Hardly. And I'm a huge supporter.

If you're going to be an advocate for SM you need to get specific. Does SM actually perform better on the given (at-issue) issue than others? Or not? If not, well, then criticism might be the best road rather than blind support.

Stop making blanket statements. SM has flaws (all human-made products do) so, for credibility's sake, it's important that you (we) support our claims with real-world accountability, not some knee-jerk wish-list support.

One thing that Moz-bases apps, for me, have had is a credibility over time and versions. To support that without suspicion is non-productive, even destructive.

Be suspicious. Test. Comment. Post real-world issues. Post Bug reports. Etc.

Just sitting back and saying: "Oooo! I love it!!!" doesn't cut it. It may do more damage than help.

Here's a real-world scenario.

My SM freezes.  While typing an email/message.  While browsing.

Doesn't do it in Safe Mode.  Doesn't do it in a new/bare profile.

There is no easy way to compare those against each other.

Wouldn't it be nice if there were?

Yes, I've created new profiles. But, I have hundreds of customizations (outside of extensions and plugins) of the UI and through the about:config interface. And no way to compare them. I do about:config and can't export the result in any way. That is just stupid.

If I could, I could import the different profiles' about:config into Excel and slice and dice it and find differences. As it exists now? No way to do it that I can see. Silly. The data exists. It is displayed on the screen. Why not let me take the data and massage it? I might just find something that enlightens the devs.

But, no, here I sit with not mechanism that allows me to compare profiles/profile data.

Ok, done bitching.  For now.

Ed Mullen
You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.
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