My broadband service is via a Road Runner (Time Warner) cable modem.
When I go to
<>, I am
indeed able to test my download and upload speeds.

However, while the results are displayed, I have a serious problem with
SeaMonkey's Cookie Manager.  If I go to [Tools > Cookie Manager > Manage
Stored Cookies] and view my accumulated cookies and select a cookie, it
stays selected for only 1-2 seconds.  If I scroll to the bottom of the
list of cookies, the list snaps back to the top.  This problem goes away
if I disable and then re-enable JavaScript.

In one case, I cleared the Error Console just before running a speed
test.  After running the speed test, the Error Console reported the
three following errors (plus more than 50 warnings):

Error: test_completed is not defined
Source File: javascript:test_completed(1454,363,43,8)
Line: 1

Error: a is undefined
Source File:
Line: 52

Error: a is undefined
Source File:
Line: 52

My configuration is as follows:

Windows XP Home Edition Version 5.1 (Service Pack 3)

Motorola cable modem
Netgear cable/DSL Internet router

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20101027 SeaMonkey/2.0.10

Cookies for the originating Web site only

Flash (10.1 r102) (usually blocked with FlashBlock but
unblocked for the speed test, which uses Flash)

Extensions (enabled: 8)
* Adblock Plus 1.2.2 (
* DOM Inspector 2.0.8 (
* Find Preferences 1.0
* Flashblock 1.3.17 (
* Live HTTP headers 0.16
* PrefBar 5.1.1 (
* Preserve Download Modification Timestamp 2010.09.12.18
* Show Password On Input 0.1.3
* ShowIP 0.8.19 (

Note that Road Runner's speed test uses the same Ookla engine that the
FCC's <> uses.  When I use the FCC site, I
don't have any problems with Cookie Manager.

Road Runner (of course) insists that my setup is causing the problem.
Contrary to Road Runner's replies to my messages, I DO INDEED GET A
<>.  For
some reason, they keep indicating that I cannot do a speed test at their
site when I keep telling them that the speed test runs to completion and
gives reasonable results.  (This is quite common for technical support
services that operate entirely from prepared scripts.)

My question is whether anyone can determine accurately where the problem
lies: in Road Runner's Web page or in SeaMonkey.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I might filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam from that source.
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