Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus<n...@home.com>  wrote:

That's way more work than it's worth, given that nothing else on my
'Book is misbehaving.

Hm.  I agree, there should be no reason for the added ram to cause the
problem, but, nice adding and removing ram from a macbook pro is not
really difficult, it ould be worth trying it to remove that as a
possible cause.


It *wasn't* really difficult before, but now with the new unibody case you risk cross-threading the screws that hold the back plate on...which would ruin the case top as far as getting the back plate to stay put. Not really something you go doing more than once anymore, and certainly not for troubleshooting *one* app when nothing else about the machine is going wrong. In fact, the battery is no longer even user replaceable/removable with the latest unibody case - the first ones at least had a release lever and a half shell so you could get in there easily...that was far, far better design from a user standpoint.

So I'm not keen on pulling my 'Book apart again unless I need to put a new hard drive in it...which ain't straight forward anymore either. So, after studying on rebuilding my Profiles I'd rather just wipe SM and do a clean install of the pending 2.1 release and manually restore some files and see what I get. It'll be a pain, but at least I won't be risking damage to my case.

What I'm wondering is if there isn't something else software related that that I could try to address the additional RAM for the install as far as SM is concerned - like a PRAM reset or something. Which again is overkill for *one* misbehaving app.

But I'm also way puzzled as to why all of these crash clusters have a different crash reason/signature - I had another cluster of crashes just last night with all my plug-ins still turned off except for Flash. I can't recall the reason - I'm on my (SM stable) iMac right now. But it wasn't any of the kernel protection, bad Cairo font, or bad instruction call one(s) that I've seen to date - it was something different again. Every cluster seems to have some new reason...

But the same cluster of crashes on restart attempts, and then return to being "stable" after a reboot. Which smacks of some write, cache, or swap file hang or error...whatever...until cleared by a reboot. Then over some period of SM session up-time it happens all over again.

     - Rufus
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